14 research outputs found


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    Darbe nagrinėjami elektromagnetinio lauko dedamųjų parametrai šalia elektrinio prietaiso, kurio veikimo principas pagrįstas elektriniuišlydžiu dujose. Planuojant naudoti šį prietaisą mokymo procese eksperimentiniu tyrimu buvo nustatytos leidžiamos elektromagnetiniolauko parametrų vertės nutolus 27-160cm atstumu nuo 8-80 kHz dažnių diapazone veikiančio prietaiso. Eksperimentiniotyrimo rezultatai palyginti su leistinomis elektromagnetinio lauko vertėmis, tuo siekiama užtikrinti saugų studentų bei dirbančiopersonalo darbą. Nustatyta, kad leistinas saugus atstumas siekia 1,5m nuo veikiančio prietaiso. Elektros lauko stiprio vertės nėrakenksmingos esant bet kuriam atstumui nuo prietaiso dažnių ribose 72-80 kHz. Dažnių ribose 8 kHz-80 kHz magnetinis laukas nėrakenksmingas.RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: Elektromagnetinis laukas, dujinis išlydis, plazm


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    This paper describes an impact of Distributed Generation (DG) over active and reactive power losses in distribution system. Theinvestigation is based on the real distribution system of Kumamto area, Japan. Using “DIgSILENT PowerFactory“ software, simulations,to get best results in a shape of active and reactive power losses, have been done. In order to reduce very high number of simulations,logical assumptions have been cretated. Also, in this paper new indexes are presented, i.e. penetration level of DG and dispersionlevel of DG. Those indexes give high support running reasonable simulations for Optimal Power Flow (OPF) and collectingbest results for comparison.KEY WORDS: power losses, distribution generation, ditribution syste

    Detection of physical impacts of shipping containers during handling operations using the impact detection methodology

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    The transportation of cargo inside shipping containers is a risky operation that requires constant monitoring activities and real-time operational actions. Yet, the detection of the real dynamics of the container and the surrounding infrastructure and extraction of true subsequent critical events is still an unresolved issue among engineers. In this paper, we analyze the new physical impact detection method, namely the Impact Detection Methodology (IDM), to detect the most obvious and force-dependent impacts from acceleration data, using the IoT sensor in an experimental environment using the heavy machinery of a seaport. By variating the threshold level, we have observed the changes in the number of impacts detected within three separate case studies. Results suggest that the optimal parameters tend to provide an adequate number of events, yet even the slightest change in the threshold level can increase or decrease the number of detected impacts in a non-linear fashion, making the detection harder, due to unforeseen external impacts on the dataset, the filtering of which is still the main priority of our future research.Web of Science109art. no. 125

    Analysis of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Monitoring System for Resurveying of Shipping Routes

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    ksandrs Urbahs / Rima Mickevičienė / Vasilij Djačkov / Kristīne Carjova / Valdas Jankūnas / Mindaugas Zakarauskas / Natalia Panova / Dita Lasmane Published Online: 2017-03-14 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/tae-2016-0012 Abstract The paper gives brief description of the conventional and innovative hydrography survey methods and constraints connected with the realization. Proposed hydrographic survey system based on the use of Unmanned Aerial and Maritime systems provides functionality to conduct hydrographic measurements and environment monitoring. System can be easily adapted to fulfil marine safety and security operations, e.g. intrusion threat monitoring, hazardous pollutions monitoring and prevention operations, icing conditions monitoring. Document type: Articl

    Tiesiaeigio švytuojamojo mechatroninio įtaiso koordinatės matavimas

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    The problem of measurement of the curve of movement of oscillating synchronous electric devices is discussed. To achieve the purpose system, the light emitting diode (LED) – slit – linear optical sensor is used. Different color LEDs are linked with different moving parts and optical sensor with the lines of the elements sensitive to different colors, are used to simplify measurement system. Practical implementation of measurement system is presented


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    Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti elektromagnetinio lauko dedamųjų parametrų vertes kiekvienam įjungtam kompiuterio ekranui. Nustatytoselektromagnetinės spinduliuotės parametrų vertės buvo palygintos su TN1:1998 normose leistinais elektromagnetinės spinduliuotėslygiais. Bendram elektromagnetinės spinduliuotės fonui įvertinti buvo išmatuoti elektros lauko stipris ir magnetinio lauko srautotankis atskiruose taškuose, kai visi kompiuteriai yra darbo režime. Matavimai atlikti 40-60 Hz dažnių diapazone. Bendro fono elektromagnetiniolauko parametrų įtaka žmogaus sveikatai buvo vertinama taikant higienos normą HN 110-2001.RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: Elektrinio lauko stipris, magnetinio srauto tankis, elektromagnetinė tarš

    Švytuojamojo pulsuojamosios srovės variklio – bespyruoklio kompresoriaus švytavimų centro poslinkio eksperimentinis tyrimas

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    This article presents the oscillation center displacement of oscillating pulsating current motor and springless compressor drive (OPCM-SCD) experiment and results. The goal during the experiment was to determine the efficiency coefficient η, power coefficient cosφ, input power P, DC I0 and AC IAC dependence on OPCM-SCD pulsating part center movement. The graphs provided analysis of the modification of OPCM-SCD position in the space, thyristor firing angle and creating the artificial uneven force for each different compressor cameras. Experiment results show that pulsating center has effect on the analyzed energetic characteristics: when the off-center is present these characteristics worsen. During model analysis and during the experiment dependencies I0=f(Δh) were received. We can say that their nature is similar, but because of the natural asymmetry of used model and the slight inefficiency of measurements, these dependencies only can be analyzed practically. This article also includes the possible structural scheme of control using the regular general current for thyristor stabilization of the pulsating center

    Investigation of dynamics and power needs for container unloading from ship process

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    The operational problem of container unloading from the ship is analyzed in this paper. Dynamic “crane-cargo-ship” system was investigated, and a mathematical model was created. In the model, the gap between the container and the ship’s cargo hold, the mass of the cargo, the container’s center of the mass, and the frictional forces that may occur during lifting from the cargo hold were estimated. Numerical analysis of the system was performed. Results of numerical analysis were compared with experimental measurements of containers unloading process in port. Requirement of lifting power was modelled depending on mass of cargo. Additional power needs in case of contact forces between container and wall of the ship’s cargo hold were calculated. Rational lifting conditions could be deduced using a created mathematical model and the reliability of the container and cargo during lifting could be deduced

    Desulfurizing of pyrolysis oil of used tires using a 3d‐printed vortex diode and modeling of process

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    The use of pyrolysis oil can be seen as an alternative fuel for maritime transport. However, pyrolysis oil from tires must be desulfurized for this. Recently, this can be done by hydrodynamic cavitation. This process does not require oxidation chemicals but only water, a cavitation generator, and a pump to drive it. In the literature, this concept has been successfully tested on model fuels. In this study, the cavitation generator for the desulfurization of waste tire pyrolysis oil was printed from polylactic acid-based on simulations of the optimal design, which allows for much cheaper production and easy replacement in case of wear or testing of alternative designs. After 60 min of treatment at 5 bar inlet pressure, a desulfurization of almost 33% was achieved. Furthermore, an interaction analysis showed that only from a pyrolysis oil content of 5.5 to 6% does hydrodynamic cavitation have an effective effect on desulfurization